Tuesday, August 23, 2005

My Dear Friend,


My Dear Friend,

I know you will be surprise to receive this letter since we have not meet
before, but due to the imprtant and urgency of this matter I decided to
write you. I got your contact through network online in my searching for a
reliable and reputable person to handle this transaction, which involves
huge sum of funds.

I Am Mr.Johnson Ahmed, an accountant with Diamond Bank Nigeria Plc.The
business I am about to introduce is basedon sheer trust and with a sense of
purpose.I am contacting you to assist in repatriating the sum of $20M U.S
Dollars.The money and property left behind by Engr. Morie Lynn who  had an
accident On the 21st of April 2000, Engr. Morie Lynn, his wife and their two
Children were involved in a car accident in a remote

village called Kuru near Jos in Plateau State. All occupants of the car
Unfortunately lost their lives.
Since then I have made several enquiries to his embassyhere in Lagos-Nigeria
to locate any of Morie's extended relatives, this has also proved
unsuccessful to locate any member of his family hence I contacted you as his
account officer to work with you before they get confiscated, frozen or
declared unserviceable by the bank where these huge deposits were lodged.
Particularly,the Diamond Trust Bank of Nigeria Plc where the deceased had an
account valued at about Twenty Million United States Dollars

Now the management has issued a notice to provide the next of kin or have
the account frozen. Since I have been unsuccessful in locating the relatives
for over 2 years now,I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin
to the deceased since you are a foriegner so that the proceeds of this
account valued at $20,000,000:00 can be paid to you and then you and I can
share the money. 60% to me and 30% to you, while 10% will be maped out for
any miscellaneous expenses that might be incure in the cause of this

I have all the necessary legal documents to back up this claim, and  this I
must do to make sure that this fund is not wasted or end up in the wrong
hands. all I require is your honest and sincere co-operation to enable us
see this deal through. I guarantee you that this transaction will be
executed under a legitimate arrangement that will protect you and I from any
breach of the law. If you are interested kingly get back to me as soon as
you receive this message for further arrangement.
Best regards,
Mr.Johnson Ahmed.

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