Thursday, June 29, 2006


From: abiola williams <>
Date: 29-Jun-2006 22:14

I am a staff of bank in Africa. I will give you the name of my
bank and other important information if I receive a positive reply from
you. For security reasons I cannot disclose my full identity to you now
until I am sure of your cooperation. I work in the operations dept
where I serve as account officer to numerous customers. One of the
customers whom I worked as his account officer was a wealthy diamond
merchant from Australia. Because this man was good to me when he was
alive, I took it upon myself to travel to his country last month, to
see if I could locate any of his close relations. On reaching there I
discovered that his only surviving uncle died a few months back. I
sponsored this trip on my own and nobody in the bank knew I was
undertaking the journey so I did not present any official report of my
findings in the bank. Now there are two things I could do with regards
to the money. First, as his accounts officer, I could formally notify
the bank authorities that the man is dead and has no next of kin. In
this case the money would be forfeited to the government after some
time. As a matter of fact this is the proper thing I am supposed to do.
Another thing I can do is to arrange for someone else, a foreigner, to
act as the next of kin of the late man so that he will claim the money.
This is the option that I can do to help anybody and myself since the
money actually is public fund due to the fact that my friend was a
close ally to the late brutal military president that looted government
treasury. And that is why I have chosen to do it. I want you to be my
partner. All you would have to do is act as the next of kin of the dead
man and the whole money in the account will be transferred to your
account. As the accounts officer to the late man, I have all the
necessary documents that will require claiming the money in the
account. The total money in the account is USD17 million. Your share
will be 30%, which is USD5, 100,000. My own share will be 70%.
me immediately by mail or phone that I can give you
further details. Also provide me you with direct tel to reach you.
Yours truly,

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