Monday, November 06, 2006


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Kelly Crawford <>
Date: 6 Nov 2006 06:21:48 +0100
Subject: Hello.

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Dear Friend,

How are you and your family today? I hope that you are all okay? I
found information about you and decided to contact you for an
important assistance. I am Kelly Crawford a citizen of Zimbabwe, but
I am contacting from a nebhioring country here in WEST AFRICA where I
am now sicking political asylum. I am the only son of Mac Crawford, a
wealthy farmer and senior politician with the opposition political
party in my country, Movement for Democratic Change [MDC]. Our wicked
President murdered my father; I fled my country because I have become
his next target to eliminate.

My father was a fighter for Justice and a moving force in the MDC, a
party wanting to end the several years of brutal dictatorship
government of President Robert Mug Abe's. You will read more stories
about President Mug Abe's brutal acts by visiting these web sites;



My father was accused of Treason and also assisting the White farmers
in fighting the overnment. Few weeks after his arrest, he was
reported dead. The government claimed he died of heart attack and his
body was never seen for proper autopsy, they buried him in the
government cemetery. My father's associate Mr. Martin Olds a White
farmer from Britain assisted me in fighting my father's death
through the Court and media;the government saw us as a big treat to
them and decided to eliminate us. Mr. Olds was attacked and murdered
in his house, but fortunately, before they came looking for me, I
received the news and I had to flee through the border to near by
country in WEST AFRICA to save my life. My arrival here still
remains like a miracle to me. Here,is my reasons for contacting you, I
am having a huge sum of money total sum of $5,000,000.00 ( five
million American Dollars)presently lodge in an excrow account with a
Bank in London. My father's business, farms and banks account were
seized by the government

before his arrest and murder.

He told me everything concerning the funds while he was still in
detention. I need your assistance in securing the funds there in your
country, so that I can arrange on how to come

over to your country to invest with the fund I am willing to offer you
20% of the 5,000,000. (five million American Dollars) for your

I am ready to make you the beneficairy of the fund so that you can
transfer the fund to your home country and after that i will come over
to your country for investment and also to start a new life. I would
have done this my self but right now i am in asylum in a near by
country and the government must not know about this fund.

Please, let me know if you can assist me, so that I can give you more
details on how we shall proceed.

NB:reply back to this mail address given: for easy
communication. Hoping to hear from you.

Thank you as I wait for your urgent response.


Kelly Crawford.

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