Monday, December 05, 2005


Tel: +31-633-749-903
Date: 5 th -11-2005

Dear: Sir/Madam.

I take liberty anchored on
strong desire to solicit for your understanding and collaboration on
this mutual and beneficial transaction with you, which I hope you give
urgent attention. Firstly I pray and hope that this letter meets you
well. For clarity purpose my name is Edward Jones, a member and staff
in a Corporate Securities firm. We keep valuables for high net worth
individuals, blue chip corporations and diplomatic organizations.

the 21st of January 2005, my client, Mr. Stephen Michael a business
mogul with his wife and there only child were reported victim of the
Tsunami Disaster while on a trip to the region. Since then I have made
several enquiries to locate any of my client's extended family or
relatives, which have proved unsuccessful.

After these several
unsuccessful efforts to locate his family members or relatives, I
decided to track his last name over the Internet, to locate any member
of his family or close relative. This is why I contacted you.

I am
contacting you to assist in claiming the consignments my client left
behind in our security vault. After the 9/11 incident our company
policy do not permit cash deposit, so he confided in me as the foreign
operation manager to make this deposit since June 2003.

The company
will confiscate or declared his consignments unserviceable. The Late
Mr. Renate Michael’S consignments as at the last checked were valued at
US$25,500,000.00 (Twenty Five Million Five Hundred Thousand United
States Dollars). The company has issued me a notice as foreign
operation manager to locate and provide the next of kin to my client.
Unfortunately his entire family died including his only child which was
named as his next of kin.

Since I have been unsuccessful in locating
my client’s family members or close relatives for over six months now,
I seek your consent to present you as the next of kin to the deceased
given that you have or bear the same last name “Michael’” with him.
Necessary documents and information shall be sent to you to enable you
contact the security company for the claiming of his consignments.

Having succeeded on the above and the money transfer into your personal
account, you and I will share the money according to the ratio of 40%
for you while 60% is for me. I am not greedy about it. All I require is
your honest cooperation to enable us seeing this deal through. I
guarantee that this will be executed under a legitimate arrangement
that will protect you and me from any breach of the law.

I quite
believe that you will protect our interest by keeping this business Top
Secret and Confidential, as your interest will be equally protected in
order to achieve and maintain maximum success. Trust to hear from you
on the above email address or fax as I count on your earliest response.

Warm regards


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