Monday, November 13, 2006


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Samuel Savimbi <>
Date: 12-Nov-2006 10:26


I know that this letter will come to you as a surprise due to the fact
that we have not yet met each other before now, but please I will like
you to consider my present family troubles and be rest assured that
there is no cause for alarm.Please put yourself in my position and
help me the way you will expect people to assist you to redeem your
family's wealth.
It is my humble pleasure to write this letter irrespective of the fact
that you do not know me.However, I came to know of you in my private
search for a reliable and trustworthy person that can handle a
confidential transaction of this nature in respect of this,I got your
contact through an uprooted search on the internet.Though I know that
a transaction of this magnitude will make any one apprehensive and
worried, but I am assuring you that all will be well at the end of the
day.My name is Mr. Samuel Savimbi, son of the late rebel leader;Jonas
Savimbi of Angola who was killed on the 22nd of February
2002.Presently, I am desperately looking for a trustworthy person to
assist me in this confidential business.
My late father, Jonas Savimbi lodged huge sums of money realized from
the sales of diamonds and other precious stones / metals in different
banks in Europe and America. My father is presently no more, and the
movement of his family members(including me) is highly restricted,all
his bank accounts
and properties have been frozen and seized. We are forbidden to either
travel abroad or out of our immediate localities.Presently, I have
just discovered a huge deposit made by my late father from the money
realized from the last sales of diamonds before is death .
My father had deposited this money as diplomatic consignment with a
security firm based in Spain, I have called the security firm and they
have confirmed to me that the consignment/deposit is still with them.I
have all the documents with me right now that is needed to collect the
consignment from the security firm, my father has instructed the
securit y firm in his deposit request to release consignment to any
three family members which includes myself, my mother and my only
sister (who is also dead now) incase of emergency or death.Right now
my mother and I,have agreed that I do everything possible to get the
consignment out as this is the only hope we have now to bring the
family out of our present poor financial state.
I am therefore soliciting your help to have this consignment collected
by you and the funds transferred into your account. I will give you
all the necessary documentations to facilitate your collection of the
consignment personally;However, you have to assure me and also be
ready to go into agreement with me that you will not elope with the
money. If you agree to my terms, kindly as a matter of urgency send me
an email.The present government of my country has no or will never
have knowledge of this business, so there is no need to be worried
about your safety. I guarantee you your safety,and ! once I have your
complete assurance that you can handle this, I will immediately send
to you the relevant documents that will enable you take possession of
the consignments and the contact of the security firm in spain. This
will include certificate of deposit and all other relevant documents.
However,in return for all your assistance we(I and my mother)have
decided to offer you 15% of!
the total amount of money as your share and 5% for all your expenses
which will include your travel expenses and every other expenses you
incure in the cause of this transaction, such as your telephone bills
etc,this makes a total of 20% my family has agreed to give to you for
helping us secure the money.
I am waiting for your response to enable us proceed;But if you do not
feel comfortable with this transaction, do not hesitate to
discontinue. Thanks for your anticipated co-operation and my regards
to your family.


Samuel Savimbi & family.
NB:Please send your reply to my private e-mail

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