Tuesday, November 14, 2006


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: harrison okeke <harryson84@hotmail.com>
Date: 14-Nov-2006 09:26

Auditing and Account manager
West African Bank Benin
Phone:+229 93 48 03 47

Hello Dear.

I am Dr. HARRYSON OKEKE, the director in charge of auditing and accounting
section of West African Bank Benin,Cotonou,Republic of Benin, West Africa,
and also a special account officer of Mr.Marcus Brenner,an American.

He was a seasoned contractor with Benin Cement Company, Cotonou, who
unfortunately died in a plane crash of Union Transport Africaines Flight
Boeing 727 in Cotonou, Republic of Benin on 25th December, 2003.You will
read more stories about the crash on visiting this website:



Before his death on the 25th December 2003, Mr.Marcus Brenner has a
fixed deposit account with the bank and no other person know about this
account or have any information relating to this account.

The account has no beneficiary nor did next-of-kin other than him and my
investigation reveal that his supposed next-of-kin died along with him in
the crash.Since then, I have made several enquiries to locate any of his
extended relatives, this has also proved unsuccessful. After several
unsuccessful attempts, so decided to contact you.

I'm contacting you to assist in remittance of a dormant fund as the next of
kin left behind by Mr.Marcus Brenner so as not to allow the bank confiscate
or declare the funds unserviceable according to Benin Republic financial law
on unclaimed bills which the government usually map out for the purchase of
ammunitions which are the major course of connflicts in the west of Africa.

Consequently,I'm seeking your consent to present you as the next-of-kin of
the deceased so that the outstanding fixed deposit (US$19.3M) will be
remitted into any designated accounbt of yours to be shared by both of us in
the ratio of 60% to me and 40% for you.I have all necessary legal documents
to back up thisclaim.

All that is required of you is absolute honesty, total
commitment,co-operation & absolute confidentialit.

Be rest-assured that this transaction will be executed under legitimate
arrangement that will protect both parties from breach of the law and it is
100% risk free and attracts no authorities and every information you will
require as the next of kin will be forwarded to you after your final
acceptance to help me champion this deal.
If this proposal is acceptable to you, kindly email your following
information to me.

a. Full Name(s)

b. Direct phone & fax number(s)

c. Your direct email & any other information you may deem helpful.

Thank you for your cooperation until I read from you.You may also reach me
at my private mailbox and call me for further information on +229  93 48 03

Sincerely yours,

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