Monday, March 20, 2006


From: Attah Seidu Bukari <>
Date: 21-Mar-2006 00:06
Subject: Assistance/Investment

Dear Friend,

I don't want you to be surprised about how I got your contact address,

I got your contact from a good samarithan'swoman that worked in ghana
chamber of commerce and industries. Though Idid not disclosed the
nature of this transaction to her. I told her thatI would need a very
capable person that can assist me to further myeducation in abroad.
You might have heard about rumours that some badpeople use the
internet to send out their fraud-mails but I want you tobelieved that
this is not the kind of that offer and it is not a stolenmoney from
government account or drug money. There are many fraudulentactivities
all over in this world even in america as whole but still Iwant you to
know that there are many good business in this world, everyfake
businesses there must be an original, the only thing is that itis only
almighty god that can protect and direct us to the good ones .

This funds is only hope that I have on this earth and at moment
isbeyond my reach. I would be very glad if you can be my foreign
guarantorto assist me claim us$5m that deposited with my late father
with asecurity company.

This funds is sealed airtight in a silver aluminiumboxes. My father's
didn't registered the contents of this boxes asfunds, he registered it
as his family treasury bill for many securityreasons. I am the next of
kin to my late father vault account. Icontacted the security company
for the claim of my late father'sdeposited boxes but due to my
{26years old}, the ecuritycompany are demanded for my guarantor that
will claim the boxes for meto avoid any future controversy because my
father's registered that Ishould clock 30 years upword before having
access or right to withdrawthis boxes. Now what I need from you is to
send me your full name,contact address, personal telephone number so
that I can put in anapplication letter with this your information and
forawrd to thesecurity company as my foreign guarantor. I will change
the newownership certificate to your name so that we can have a power
ofattorney to athourize the security company to let me withdraw one of
thebox that valued us$3m here so that I can take the box to a
reputablebank here and transfer it to your foreign account. If I have
access tothe box, I will open an account here in your name and
deposited thefunds before onward transfer to your final account in
your country.While transfering the funds we are going to obtain all
the ecessarycertificates/documents that will proved to your bank and
country thatthe source of this funds in genuine. This transaction is
100% safe andrisk-free. After you might have transfer the first box
that valuedus$3m, you will now believed and have 100% trust and hope
in me for usto transfer the second box. You can also come forward so
that we startthe transaction together, seen is

I want you to keep thistransaction confidentially, because no head that
want another head tobe greater than him/her and if they see that this
is an opportunity thatwill make you be greater than them.

I will be waiting to hear from you soon so that I can tell you what
next to do. I will also send youa deposit certificate for your

Please reply me throughthis my confidential e-mail address for manysecurity reasons.

Best Regards,
Attah Seidu Bukari

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